At Main Street, we specialize in providing comprehensive legal support for purchase and sale transactions, ensuring that every deal is smooth, secure, and compliant with all relevant laws.
Whether you are buying or selling property, assets, or businesses, our team of experienced professionals is here to guide you through each phase of the transaction, from initial negotiations to finalizing the deal.
Our Services:
Contract Drafting & Review: We assist in drafting and reviewing purchase agreements, ensuring that the terms are clear, fair, and legally binding. We also help you understand your rights and obligations under the contract.
Due Diligence: Before completing any transaction, it’s crucial to thoroughly investigate the asset or property. We conduct comprehensive due diligence to ensure there are no hidden risks or liabilities.
Negotiation Support: Our team helps you negotiate favorable terms, whether you’re the buyer or the seller. We strive to protect your interests while facilitating a mutually beneficial deal.
Regulatory Compliance: We ensure that your transaction complies with all applicable laws, including tax regulations, zoning laws, and industry-specific requirements.
Financing & Tax Advice: We offer guidance on financing options and tax planning to ensure that your purchase or sale is financially sound and tax-efficient.
Transaction Closures: We support you through the closing process, ensuring that all necessary documents are completed and the transaction is finalized smoothly.
Why Choose Main Street?
At Main Street, we understand that buying and selling assets, property, or businesses can be complicated. Our team of legal experts brings years of experience in handling purchase and sale transactions, providing you with the peace of mind that comes from knowing your interests are well-protected.
Our Approach:
Clear Communication: We keep you informed at every step of the process, ensuring that you understand the legal and financial aspects of the transaction.
Tailored Legal Advice: We provide personalized advice based on your specific needs, ensuring that the terms of your transaction are structured to meet your goals.
Efficient Process: We streamline the process to minimize delays and ensure that your transaction is completed as efficiently as possible.
Whether you’re buying a property, selling a business, or dealing with any other form of transaction, Main Street is here to provide expert legal support every step of the way.
Get in Touch with Us
If you’re planning a purchase or sale transaction, don’t hesitate to reach out to Main Street. Our legal professionals are ready to help you navigate the complexities of your deal with confidence.
ThisPrivacyPolicy of PersonalData(hereinafter referred to as the PrivacyPolicy)appliestoallinformationthat the site(hereinafter referred to as)locatedon the domainname(aswell as itssubdomains)canreceiveabout the Userduring the use of the site(aswell as itssubdomains),itsprogramsanditsproducts.1.Definition of terms
1.1 The followingterms are usedinthisPrivacyPolicy: 1.1.1.“SiteAdministration“(hereinafter referred to as the Administration)–authorizedemployeesforsitemanagementwhoorganizeand(or)processpersonaldata,aswell as determine the purposes of personaldataprocessing, the composition of personaldata to beprocessed,actions(operations)performedwithpersonaldata.
1.1.2.“Personaldata“ means anyinformationrelatingdirectlyorindirectly to a specificoridentifiableindividual(subject of personaldata).
1.1.3.“Personaldataprocessing“ means anyaction(operation)or a set of actions(operations)performedwithorwithout the useofautomationtoolswithpersonaldata,includingcollection,recording,systematization,accumulation,storage,clarification(updating,modification),extraction,use,transfer(distribution,provision,access),depersonalization,blocking,deletion,destruction of personaldata.
1.1.4.“Confidentiality of personaldata“is a mandatoryrequirementfortheOperatororotherperson who hasaccesstopersonaldata to preventtheirdisseminationwithout the consent of the subject of personaldataor the presence of otherlegalgrounds.
1.1.5. A “Website“is a collectionofinterconnectedwebpageshosted on theInternetat a uniqueaddress
1.1.6.“Subdomains“arepagesor a set of pageslocatedonthird—leveldomainsbelonging to the site,aswell as othertemporarypages, at the bottom of whichthecontactinformation of the Administration is indicated
1.1.5.“SiteUser“(hereinafter referred to as the User)is a person who hasaccessto the sitevia the Internetanduses the information,materialsandproducts of the site.
1.1.7.“Cookies“is a smallpiece of datasent by a webserverandstoredon the user‘s computer,which the webclientorwebbrowsersends to the webserverin an HTTPrequesteachtimewhentrying to open a page of the correspondingsite.
1.1.8.“IPaddress“is a uniquenetworkaddress of a nodein a computernetworkthroughwhich the Usergetsaccessto.
2.1. The User‘s use of the sitemeansacceptanceofthisPrivacyPolicyand the terms of processing of the User‘s personaldata.
2.2.Incase of disagreementwith the terms of the PrivacyPolicy, the Usermuststopusing the site.
2.3.ThisPrivacyPolicyappliesto the website. It does notcontroland is notresponsibleforthird–partysitestowhich the Usercanclickonlinksavailableon the site.
2.4. The Administration does notverify the accuracy of the personaldataprovided by the User.
3.Subject of the PrivacyPolicy
3.1.ThisPrivacyPolicyestablishes the obligations of the Administrationfor non-disclosureandensuringtheconfidentiality of personaldatathat the Userprovidesat the request of the Administrationwhenregisteringon the siteorwhensubscribingto an informationale–mailnewsletter.
3.2.PersonaldataauthorizedforprocessingunderthisPrivacyPolicy is provided by the Userbyfilling out formson the websiteandincludesthefollowinginformation:
3.2.1. last name, first name,patronymic of the User;
3.2.2. The User‘s contactphone number;
3.2.3. e-mail address(e–mail)
3.2.4. the User‘s place of residence(ifnecessary) 3.3.protects the Datathat is automaticallytransmittedwhenvisiting the pages: —IPaddress; —informationfromcookies; —informationabout the browser—accesstime; —referrer(address of the previouspage). 3.3.1.Disablingcookiesmayresult in the inability to accessparts of the site that requireauthorization. 3.3.2.collectsstatisticson the IPaddresses of itsvisitors.Thisinformation is usedtoprevent,identifyandsolvetechnicalproblems. 3.4.Anyotherpersonalinformation not mentioned above(browsinghistory,browsersused,operatingsystems, etc.) is subject to securestorageand non-proliferation,except as providedinclause5.2. of thisPrivacyPolicy. 4.Purposes of collectinguser‘s personalinformation 4.1. The Administrationmayuse the User‘s personaldata for thepurposes of: 4.1.1.Identification of the Userregisteredon the siteforfurtherauthorization. 4.1.2.Providing the User with accesstopersonalizedwebsitedata. 4.1.3.Establishingfeedbackwith the User,includingsendingnotifications,requestsregarding the use of the site,processingrequestsandrequestsfrom the User. 4.1.4.Determining the User‘s locationtoensuresecurity and preventfraud. 4.1.5.Confirmation of the accuracyandcompleteness of the personaldataprovided by the User. 4.1.6.Creating an accounttouseparts of the site,if the Userhasagreedtocreate an account. 4.1.7.Usernotificationsbye–mail. 4.1.8.Providing the User with effectivetechnicalsupportin case ofproblemsrelatedto the use of the site. 4.1.9.Providing the User, withhisconsent, with specialoffers,newslettersandotherinformationonbehalf of the site. 5.Methodsandterms of processingpersonalinformation 5.1. The processing of the User‘s personaldata is carried out without time limit, in anylawfulway,includinginpersonaldatainformationsystemsusingautomationtoolsorwithoutusingsuchtools. 5.2. The User‘s personaldatamaybetransferred to the authorizedstateauthorities of the RussianFederationonlyon the groundsandin accordance with the procedureestablished by the legislation of the RussianFederation. 5.3.In case of lossordisclosure of personaldata, the Administration has the rightnot to inform the Userabout the lossordisclosure of personaldata. 5.4. The Administrationtakes the necessaryorganizationalandtechnicalmeasurestoprotect the User‘s personalinformationfromunauthorizedoraccidentalaccess,destruction,modification,blocking,copying,distribution,aswell as fromotherillegalactions of third parties. 5.5. The Administration, togetherwith the User, takesallnecessarymeasurestopreventlossesorothernegativeconsequencescaused by the lossordisclosure of the User‘s personaldata. 6.Rightsandobligations of the parties 6.1. The User has the right to: 6.1.1. To make a freedecisionon the provision of theirpersonaldatanecessaryfor the use of the site,andtoconsenttotheirprocessing. 6.1.2.Update and supplement the informationprovidedonpersonaldataincase of changes to thisinformation. 6.1.3. The Userhas the righttoreceiveinformationfrom the Administrationregarding the processing of hispersonaldata,unlesssuchrightislimitedinaccordancewithfederallaws. The User has the right to requiretheAdministration to clarifyhispersonaldata,blockordestroy them if the personaldataisincomplete,outdated,inaccurate,illegallyobtainedorisnotnecessaryfor the statedpurpose of processing, andalsotakemeasuresprovided for bylaw to protecttheirrights.To do this, it is enough to notify the Administrationat the specifiedE–mailaddress. 6.2. The Administration is obliged to: 6.2.1.Use the informationreceivedexclusivelyfor the purposesspecifiedinclause4 of thisPrivacyPolicy. 6.2.2. To ensure the storage of confidentialinformationinsecret,not to disclose it without the priorwrittenpermission of the User,aswell as nottosell,exchange,publish,ordisclose it in otherpossibleways the transferredpersonaldata of the User, with theexception of clause5.2. of thisPrivacyPolicy. 6.2.3.Takeprecautionstoprotect the confidentiality of the User‘s personaldata in accordance with the procedureusuallyusedtoprotectthiskind of informationin the existingbusinessturnover. 6.2.4.Toblockpersonaldatarelatedto the relevantUserfrom the moment of the User‘s requestorrequest,orhislegalrepresentativeor the authorizedbodyfor the protection of the rights of subjectspersonaldata for theperiod of verification,incase of identification of falsepersonaldataorillegalactions. 7.Responsibility of the parties 7.1. The Administration, which has notfulfilleditsobligations, is responsibleforlossesincurred by the Userinconnectionwith the misuse of personaldata,inaccordancewith the legislation of the RussianFederation,except for the casesprovided for in paragraphs5.2.and 7.2. of thisPrivacyPolicy.7.2.Incase of lossordisclosureConfidentially
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